It Kept Me From Traveling With My Son For Years
It's funny to think back about it now, but fear kept me from traveling with my son solo for a few years. Eventually sharing that fear with a few friends made all the…
Eight Great Childhood Lessons From Traveling
Not Everyone Speaks English There are so many languages in the world and many people who speak more than one. Seeing that in action has been so much more impactful than just being…
How old do children have to be to join a trip?
I love this question because it usually means that mom is ready to travel and so excited about introducing her child to the world. Travel at an early age is wonderful for children…
The Travel Secret So Many People Don’t Know
It was a brief moment that hit me someplace deep, during the normally mundane task of taking my son to his orthodontic appointment. I told the orthodontist of our plans to be out…