children and teacher searching tide pools for sea creatures

How old do children have to be to join a trip?

I love this question because it usually means that mom is ready to travel and so excited about introducing her child to the world. Travel at an early age is wonderful for children as it frames there ideas around cultural differences and similarities in the world from the start.

We’ve had children as young as two come on our trips. It is always up to the parent and their comfort level but here are some things to consider when making this decision.

As a trip specially designed for moms and kids it’s part of our design that we move slow and space out our activities throughout the week. It’s typical that we stay at no more than two different locations to minimize the number changes and maintain consistency of space for kids. Daytime outings are scheduled early in the day when most family members are well rested and full of energy. After busy days filled with activity we intentionally make space and time for rest and recovery.

If you have any particular concerns beyond age feel free to reach out.

Modifications can be made for smaller children so they are able to participate fully while meeting safety guidelines.

Here, M rides tandem with one of our horseback guides.

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