Why Group Travel Works

Group trips are a wonderful option for those wishing to travel abroad, but not quite ready to go it alone, or those who prefer to have some companionship and built-in playmates for the kids.

Michelle from our 2019 Costa Rica trip shares here the many reasons traveling with other moms and kids helped create the space and time to connect and be present with each other and those in the group.

Having a small group of moms & kids around was a godsend after doing several weeks of travel on our own. Both moms and kids made quick friends and we all got a bit of much-needed space.

Children of various ages playing together around a swimming pool

The kids would spend hours playing games, exploring the beach or in the pool, while the moms got to relax a bit and look on in wonder. I am always impressed at how naturally kids form friendships with other kids they meet. It is pretty magical to watch a group of kids with a wide range of ages work together to create a new game or fantasy world and set to work playing.

One night one of the moms invited all the girls to a sleep over in their room, so it was just my son and I for a night.

Another day, many from the group went into town to shop & explore; they offered to take my daughter along so I could spend the afternoon snorkeling with just my son, one other mom and Moms and kids heading off for an adventure in the nearby town.her son and our captain! It allowed us some much needed one-on-one time which wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the others in our group.

There was a lot of this on the trip…that sense of the “village” and everyone looking after everyone’s kids. The community that is so often lacking in our busy, modern society. The kids all quickly banded together and you could see them all gaining independence as they explored their new surroundings with growing confidence.